Thursday, July 9, 2015

Editing a new Project Lectures (Comm 450)

Now that half of the Internship has past bye hear at AVTV been able to get a better handle of the process hear at AVTV. So much so that leaves down time in-between assignments. Now downtime isn’t bad because its going to happen regardless when you export video files over half hour or hour long. This times lets you plan out the other ideas to complete the following assignments or lets you relax for a while before going back into the projects.

After completing the two assignments that are given each week to complete I started working on a Lecture video that at happened at Asbury. This lecture was talking about smartphone and how the residents can get a better handle of what they do. The lecturer was an Asbury resident that got a handle of what the technology was capable and wanted to talk out the apps that see uses and what is most used apps that you use when having a smartphone. Now how I edited this lecture was to work between the two camera shot angles that focused on the speakers and the screen. Now during the lecture the speaker would talked about what the smartphone did anything as she speaking I’ll focus on those actions she did and when she went into details about a app she used I switched over to the screen that got up close look of the app. So I divided the attention between two shot focus areas the speaker and screen. Keeping simple switch points when going from one talk point to another keeps editing simple and make the viewers not confused on what the focal point is. So finding the right angle in regards to the subject matter is what Production is all about and then editing is fusing the shots into makes sense.

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