Thursday, July 30, 2015

Closing Thoughts (Comm 450)

Now that the last week at working at AVTV is over I thought would looking over the accomplishments I did for the stations and talk about my thoughts over the experience interning with them. Now the most notable accomplishment that I did at Asbury was to help record and edit there weekly program Asbury View. This show is the main viewed show for residents, which provides information on upcoming events and talk with staff, board members, or government member in Gaithersburg on a subject there doing. Next most notable project that I was given during my time working with AVTV was their Summer Solstice event and their Benevolent Care meeting talk about in last blog. The Summer Solstice event was an outdoor event, which I was asked to take a video camera and record the event then edit the footage to put into a segment for Asbury View next week. The benevolent care also required my to record footage but done the record in master control room and work in readjust the camera angles when necessary during the recording. Then there was the editing side of Benevolent Care with titles and slide inclusions needed for viewers to know who is talking and the know about the subject that slides talked about. These where the main project that I helped complete during the time at AVTV the rest where as follows helped record directors meeting, helped setup studio and other area needing setup, edit Gazebo photo into a slideshow, etc.

            Overall all the time spent at Asbury I found was great education for me due to the viewers being older people required me to think of editing the video into a slower pace either by showing title more often or making text more visible. I can’t thank enough with working with Joon Kim and Eric Thornett two great guys that were great advisors in how the studio they run works and some edited techniques they use for the residents. I must also thank Eric Anderson because without him never would be able to meet AVTV staff and have this experience.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The last edited Project "Benevolent Care" (Comm 450)

             Now before the week is over there was one last project that I worked on before leaving AVTV. This project was editing together an event held in the theater that talked about Asbury’s Benevolent Care program. This program allows residents that have no savings left to still be able to afford saying at Asbury. Now what was required for me to complete the project was to edit like normal for Asbury View to add in the titles of the guest and work on any technical problems that happened during the record. The add in for this project was to work in the presentations slides into the recorded footages so when its shown on Asbury View channel viewers will know what was presented on the sliders sometimes during the recording or talked about from the speakers.

            Now this project was the longest in the recorded footage I edited at being an hour and nineteen minutes long. So this requires checking through all the visual and audio are at expectable levels for the show, before diving into what is needed added after this. Now the number one thing added into this is the title names of the speakers and seeing there were five speakers for this event that looking through hour plus footage and adding in names of the speakers plus the audience for this Show is older folks which can be viewing the show at anytime so titles need to show more often then normal. After the names are added in next is to incorporate the presentation slides into the footage. For this needed to readjust all the slides to full the screen because there were to small to read when first added into timeline in Adobe Premiere.
Next is to find the points where seeing these slides will fit in and I put them in location where camera look at the screen the slides were on or when the speakers mentioned some the slide points to get a good balance of speaker and talk point.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Full Trust (Comm 450)

At this point in time during my time with AVTV I definitely can see that have gotten used to how the process works for this station and feel comfortable with how the record works now. For example, for this week recording session for Asbury View I completely did the process setup the studio and master control room myself then proceed to direct the cameramen. This was happened due to lack of the main being available during the time so knowing that they faith in handling the show when there away is a great confidence booster for my work in the future. So the show proceeded as planned and went with out a hitch.

            Now after the show was record and polished up in the editing process there was another event happening later that day in the Theater. This event was talking about Asbury’s Benevolent Care program, which is a program that allows residents that have no savings, left to still be able to afford saying at Asbury. Now for this event AVTV was asked to record the event for later use to be shown on Asbury View.
So I head back to master control room now work with the cameras preset up in the theater. However, there is a control on the cameras that always take different angles of the theater from three different cameras. So during this event I was switch between the cameras like normal in Asbury View, but also readjusting the cameras angles to get close up or two shots of the speakers and switching between the two constant while still remember to switch that camera to be recorded. Overall a lot brainpower is used to make sure you know which camera and shot is needed in those situations, but with more practice I’ll be able to get a better idea of how to plan in future.

To Still to Movement (Comm 450)

            During this week interning at AVTV I was given the opportunity during the editing of the show to add in filler content as a in-between piece before the next interviews is shown on Asbury View. To start the process of what could be used I work with Eric Thornett on ideas what could be possible to show or add to Asbury View that could be used. After some debate on what was possible or what was already done before during AVTV airing I liked the idea of doing like a Q&A segment on the show that lets residents ask question to guest to know better about the guests or subject matter happening around Asbury or just general question their curious about.  However, the idea was scraped because of the amount of time to set that up before the show had to be aired the following week. So Joon pulled up photos of a Gazebo on Asbury campus that was contained pictures throughout the scenes to make into a slideshow of sorts.

            Now during the process of making this slideshow I worked out on how I remembered how to make moving imagery that I did in a previous internship that I thought could work well for this segment. To make this work I went into Adobe Photoshop and started making timeline photo gallery of the pictures that was given. From there I added in zooming effects that the program provided to make the images appears to be moving then just seeing stationary imagery slideshow. Our eyes like to see moving images so I emulated this effect to match up with visual movements you see in Asbury View.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Editing a new Project Lectures (Comm 450)

Now that half of the Internship has past bye hear at AVTV been able to get a better handle of the process hear at AVTV. So much so that leaves down time in-between assignments. Now downtime isn’t bad because its going to happen regardless when you export video files over half hour or hour long. This times lets you plan out the other ideas to complete the following assignments or lets you relax for a while before going back into the projects.

After completing the two assignments that are given each week to complete I started working on a Lecture video that at happened at Asbury. This lecture was talking about smartphone and how the residents can get a better handle of what they do. The lecturer was an Asbury resident that got a handle of what the technology was capable and wanted to talk out the apps that see uses and what is most used apps that you use when having a smartphone. Now how I edited this lecture was to work between the two camera shot angles that focused on the speakers and the screen. Now during the lecture the speaker would talked about what the smartphone did anything as she speaking I’ll focus on those actions she did and when she went into details about a app she used I switched over to the screen that got up close look of the app. So I divided the attention between two shot focus areas the speaker and screen. Keeping simple switch points when going from one talk point to another keeps editing simple and make the viewers not confused on what the focal point is. So finding the right angle in regards to the subject matter is what Production is all about and then editing is fusing the shots into makes sense.