Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Starting Days at AVTV (Comm 450)

As I enter the gated community of Asbury Methodist Village I head over to the Rosborough Building and enter AVTV or know as Asbury Village TV to begin my internship. The manager of AVTV is Joon Kim and his assistant is Eric (last name?) . These two started my education on the goings of how to run AVTV Studio.  First on there list was to get better know of their studio setup starting with where the lighting switches are, how to set up the teleprompter, what there setup and resource they use for their weekly show they do on Tuesday’s called Asbury View.  Next they showed me the Master Control that handles all the audio and visual information received from the cameras.
            Now the work I have been assigned during this week is to help edit their weekly show Asbury View. Asbury View is news show talking about activates happening during the week at Asbury and also residents and organizations talk about what they are doing for Asbury. The segments of the show that are happening this week where Afternoon at the Movies with Artha Jean, interview with Anita Taylor about Wildlife at Asbury, the Keene school awards, and Everything with Lenny. The show I edited together in Adobe Premiere and added in background footage during Wildlife at Asbury to that show the objects that will be on a Silent Auction that this organization is doing.

Next time I come back in I will be controlling the camera controls for their next weekly Asbury View and learn a base to work on. The next day I came in to work I was given their Sunday Service Show. The Sunday Service is a short assignment project of adding in the opening and showing the service that happened and then add credits, which are the main changed for each week. This is all that was during this week.

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