Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Beginning and End of Alone in the World

So as we near the end of the semester it time to reflect on what has happen during the time. So Capstone from begin to end lets go. When I was giving the options for what do due during this capstone I knew immediately that I wanted to make a film. However, there was one process critical in the film business that I never touched scripting. This part of the process took the most out of my  time to complete before I could continue what I had had experience with which is production work. Now I love reading story, but I can never decide what story I would like to make so the process was delayed from the start. What mades matter even worse for me is due my learning disability I'm terrible at writing so I'll like telling and showing what I mean, but when it comes down to writing there will always be issues. However, once this part of the process was complete I'm right back into what is familiar and able to work with. When I hit this part of project the only snag I had was finding cast to help produce the film. However, I was able to work it out to produce the project that is being presented. During the presentation I think poster was a fine display visual, I'm sorry for spelling issues, I definitely should of planned out more talk points to work with the show. Like adding in information about coma's and it effects on the person and family. Also talked about details in the process making the film so more interest of what the films about can be displayed. Overall I have a very interesting experience making this capstone project I liked how it turned out, though there always little changes I would liked to change, but what done is done and that's another thing I learn time management to achieve what is needed and possible for a film in a timeframe.

Movie Focus of the Week "Furious Seven"

Alright movie night of the week this time is the Furious Seven. This film includes a mixture of action , car racing, and guns where the main plot is a follow up from the previous movie where the villain brother a special force or "Ghost Solider" if you will wish to avenge his brother for what the Crew of the Furious series did to him. After he sends the message through explosions, because one explosion isn't enough during this film, the crew fight back to take down the villain threatening them. Now on to the detail points  for this film. On an educational standpoint their is little to none showcased during this movie because the stunts pulled off during this movie are so mind-breaking illogical to achieve  in my eyes, good luck to you stunt devils that can pull of a flying a car out of plane with parachute and then drive perfectly fine or drive through three buildings and not fall to your deaths. These are just example to showcase the  entertainment valve of the film then anything else, but the movie heavy sells one main culture reference Cars. Now what we see of cars from movies are more the sport racers type of cars and how having a car is always consider a man's hobby. To further prove this during the beginning scenes of the film where introduced to what exactly a Speed Racing Derby area. During this the ideas of cool looking sports cars all around the derby and men enter the racing events. But if we have nothing but men at this event it would be boring so the women during this event are the pin up girls to jazz up the event. The only scenes that don't have women see as eye candy in two scenes one is a security women fighting the single female driver in the crew and like I just said the single female driving crew member of the group. This movie is selling you the idea of what the Racing culture all about.  Overall the film does having many great action scenes and is good enough experience a re-watch with your friends. I would rate this an 8 out of 10 in my book their are some parts that makes this weird to me but it wasn't bad film to watch.

Run Across Campus Raise Awareness

Welcome to the first annual 3-D 5k run host on Shepherd Campus. The event started at 10 in the morning with volunteers and police to help keep the safety of the runners/walkers safe as there was point during the run where coursing roads occurred. The event was promoting awareness on ending Sexual Assault not just on the campus but around the community. The course ran round the school campus starting on the east side of campus on the crossroads between Synder Hall and Knutti Hall and ended near the Ram's Stadium. Volunteers where cheering and helping direct runners to keep the event running smoothly. At this event I also ran the event and at ended with a  27 min time for the 5k run, which is 3.2 miles. Next year this event be hold again so if you want to run for a good cause even if your not a student bring your friends your family and help support the idea of ending Sexual Assult in the area.

An Italian Recital tour

Last last night in Presbyterian Church there was a Shepherd University Music Recital to help fundraise there tour in Italy. there were numerous pieces played in the small church all coming from an Italian nature as far as I could tell and there were numerous instruments played by Shepherd Students.  There was clarinet, oboe, tuba, trumpet, and few interesting ones like the saxophone and using the churches organ. The piece of the night was a tenure sung by Patrick O' Grady and the piece was called "J'aime l'amour". During this piece Patrick's voice radiated throughout the church  building  was expressing the emotion clearly even native language. From the performance showcased I see a great start as they begin there upcoming tour and hope then do well when they present in Italy. If you want to learn more or donate to help their cause send checks to Shepherd listing Italy tour so they can receive them. They are leaving soon so you want to help out send your aid soon before they leave.

Tug on Your Heart Strings

Meet Zach De Pue, Nick Kendall, Ranaan Meyer three artist apart of the band Time for Three. This event was also in the Frank Center on Tuesday April 14 was a very lively experience where both audience and performers where feeding of the excitement of each other. They songs they did range from a wide verity from past and present music like bands and artists like Coldplay, Katy Perry, Meyer, Kendal, and many others. These songs were played on two violins and a double bass and brought great tunes from these strings. Though the event wasn't all about music they told stories about themselves and cracked up on each others jokes to keep the mood light and fun. The event was so success that they did a double encore one of these encores the most famous requested on stringed volins is the Devil Went Down to Geroge, but to them that song is to request so they revamped it with their own twist which was another great success. I had an absolute blast listening to them so check out the Time for Three if they're around you have a blast.

Feel the Beat of Your Drum

At the Frank Center there was an event called the San Jose Taiko where numerous drumming instruments were played during the event. The event showcased dancing and drumming ranging from upbeat to mellow. The energy was present through the whole event throughout the drums and the performers dances as they were drumming. But the experience though upbeat brought about a sense of connection to the piece and a sense of calm as I was listening. The next time the San Jose Taiko comes into Shepherdstown come and take a look into the event. You experience great sense of emotion radiating from Drummer and Drum.