Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Comm 352:02

Internet Security

In this article is talking about the NSA undermining internets social contract and we need to stop this. I would agree that America has had lost of problems with internet security in the years. What Bruce Schnenier says in this article does make a point we have seen our information been leaked and we done nothing to stop it. Through it on the our firewall and user mistakes for going on sites with virus. But this article talks about the government making the internet multi layered surveillance object that the makers, maintenance, and business can't use anymore. What i agree in this article is that government shouldn't have non tech people working on internet surveillance should be expert people who know what there talking about and should be involved in tech related laws being made because this have the most knowledge on the subject the political representatives. Just the one problem of this article it doesn't explain enough of what NSA did to make major issue to cause us to fight back. Just in this article could be another article. But internet security definitely should be talked about to make change for the better. 

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