Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Comm 360:01

When taking this course I learned about the uses of a compressor and to some degree know how to set one up, that good studio set is key to enhancing video footage, and being prepared for a shot is needed on both sides. The compressor really does solve problems that you can experience when using audio, though that process still for me still requires so more watching to continue my understanding of the system and how it works. The last studio was in was during my time back in Frederick community college were the studio wasn't all linked up like it is in this class and doesn't have some equipment was not available. So it really was learning experience what a quality studio can provide. I know from our most recent shot that preparation is always key in this business. This leaves actors and our behind the scenes people have to come up with lanes we could say or we end up shooting a scene with no script. The actors are important for the shot, but the director also need to be the most prepared for what is need to be in the shot or what is said during that time. One thing i wanted to learn about more is how you make a studio system work or bare equipment need to have your own studio up in running when going into the business. This would help out on what I would need to look at make my own studio or help out in another studio when working in the business.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Comm 352:02 Blog #8

Internet neutrality when i think about this concept wasn't sure it even existed due to the fact that consumer like the article told about with prefer one web browser over another. However, when i started to read into the article we do have neutrality in place do to the fact we can choose whatever browser we think is best for us and if we close the options of our choice we let ourself not have the optimal browser for our needs. If we allow this change to neutrality to not exist we cause very simple problem to occur and that one person computer will not work like anothers would. Most computers are a few years older then current standard computers, which use programs needed for a company or business to run. If a program or browser that there business runs on has to convert the there entire system into a downgraded system then numerous complaints will be made cause people to question why was this idea changed. So this idea needs to stay in place there is no need to downgrade our technology, because this idea of neutrality is working and changing it for bigger business to gain more many will not help us.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Comm 352:02 Blog #7

I have heard about the power hackers can inflicted onto somebody computer with little to no information. In a few cause i did get hacked with i took all the step to help protect a computer and still was easy for them to enter into my computer. So my thoughts on hackers is the same as was before this article. Nothing is safe you have to be your own limit on the information you share on the internet. Learn that and there a better chance of not getting hacked in the future. You may think your safe now, but one slip up down the line or think ah this hasn't happen to me i'll be fine is the wrong mentality to this issue. Just limit the amount you share online because that information you share is always available from that point forward.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

COMM-352:02 Blog #6

With this plan to make OS systems free i believe was a long coming change like in the report says the updates are free to update so computer/laptops OS would have to change. As technology grows older methods have to change along with the changes made in the current time period so this change was really a question of when for many. Now we have one less thing to pay for when buying a new system or computer in the future. Do i believe that this will drive these companies to accumulate money through means yes. Because a business is always looking to make a profit, will just have to see where there making their profit now after giving out free OS for our upcoming computer/laptops.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

COMM-352:02 Blog #5

My internet search site over the years i had access it was google. This is do that fact that bing wasn't even made when google was already out and about. Their was google already doing the job that bing has made and also i didn't even really hear promotion on this search engine until some one else talked about in a computer class. I don't believe one search engine is better then the other just google is recognized over often as the default internet search hub. Yes the design aspect of bing is nicer then google but i don't feel that greatly effects the influence that google has already made on society then other web search engines. Other all i just think we experienced google longer as a search engine then the others see we consider it more reliable then other search engines.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Comm 352:02 Blog#4

My thoughts on the iPhone products made by Apple are they contain a great deal of technology a person can use. As we increase our technology older products do become obsolete or get regard as outdated. Technology will always improve and there will be no stoping point in its future. In regards to Apple inventing a new iPhone each year just shows my previous point our technology is improving so the need to integrate this technology results in the making of a new product. As of right now I believe technology is helping us acquire new resources to us ourself, however contains information that isn't necessary on phones in regards to apps. Apps are really only have a use in a given situation and also most of these apps are not free and must pay for its value. However, this is just one flaw i see in the technology we have on our phones, but the core data we have on the phone is a benefit that technology has given us. I wouldn't be surprised if another new iPhone will be reveled in this year, however i know i won't be buy the new phone until a few more years have past.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Comm 352:02 Blog Article #3

The word A.I meaning artificial intelligence a topic we always thought of as soon as we created machines. This topic  always goes two different ways should it be made possible or should we really create it. To be honest my opinion on this idea neither of this ideas, but a combination  of both. I think we can work to achieve this idea of making artificial intelligence, but we need to check the result constantly we don't know what would happen to giving a non-living being intelligence what they would do with it. Would they help society as we most likely wish to achieve or would we end up creating a monster that will end up destroying our very lives. Intelligence is a powerful weapon in it's own right and we must be careful on the result of share intelligence with machines.

Comm 360:01 Studio Crash Course

The curtain rises for the next upcoming show of the ages. Television we all had an experience with television before as we move around in the world or just siting down at home. Tv is everywhere now and will be in our lives in the future. So the work behind the scenes is just as important as the result the viewer sees. In the two weeks here i've learned about a camera work,compressor, and recorder box.

Even with some experience with working behind the camera you always find that somebody will always use a different video camera then you worked with previously. So the learning begins anew this is definitely the first time i'll work with such a small cam-recorder before. I've worked with cameras that have all then buttons on the sides on the camera, but now there placed in the touch screen menu. When I do enter into the my own line of work I know that i to will have camera that different then ones used.

Next up is the compressor a complete new identity in my work as Digital Media student. As i have been told its a monster of buttons and nobs to just control the volume of the waves of sound and it's still looks like a complicated mess to me even now. However, for now just have to focus on the five nobs mentioned i'm good to go with compressing. There names with take time to memorize, but the idea of how its works sticks on how to control the waves for good quality sound. In the end of this class i hope i can master have good use of the compressor in the future of my work.

Last on the list of things learn these few weeks the recorder box. You know at of all of the the machines we use in a studio or anywhere else the recorder is talked about the least. All you do press a button and your good to go and have your footage recorder, but the process takes more then that. Depending on what equipment used like in class have to setup up the system before reordering, which i'll remember in the future to check what recording equipment is used. The second part i have some experience with uploading the data recorder into the editing computer to begin working on the footage shot for the day or numerous days before. I just have to remember to know the equipment i will be using and there shouldn't be any problems.

My experience this two weeks has been great for expanding my knowledge in the field. Just goes to show you there always more to learn when working internship or in another teachers studio, because one person always have a different way to film for there purposes. Just keep expanding my knowledge i know it will help me achieve my goals in the future.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Comm 352:02

Internet Security

In this article is talking about the NSA undermining internets social contract and we need to stop this. I would agree that America has had lost of problems with internet security in the years. What Bruce Schnenier says in this article does make a point we have seen our information been leaked and we done nothing to stop it. Through it on the our firewall and user mistakes for going on sites with virus. But this article talks about the government making the internet multi layered surveillance object that the makers, maintenance, and business can't use anymore. What i agree in this article is that government shouldn't have non tech people working on internet surveillance should be expert people who know what there talking about and should be involved in tech related laws being made because this have the most knowledge on the subject the political representatives. Just the one problem of this article it doesn't explain enough of what NSA did to make major issue to cause us to fight back. Just in this article could be another article. But internet security definitely should be talked about to make change for the better. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

About Me Erik Woytowitz

A few things about me is that i'm now planing to finish my Master of Arts degree in Digital Media Design. Also i was quite the runner in high school doing track and cross country events. I was a distance runner doing the mile, two mile in track, and the 3 mile in cross country which is running on grass, hills, mud, and rain. My current hobbies are doing video games like on the computer and PS3. My favorite type of video games are adventure games and RPGs for example like Final Fantasy series and Infamous. I do like to travel around the United States like Salt Lake City, New Mexico, and New York. I have also gone out of state twice, which were Hawaii and Germany.